Wednesday, March 14, 2012


NO SALE: Criminal Court Judge Richard Neville reversed himselfThursday and barred the sale of nearly 100 seized guns. Nevilleissued the new ruling and ordered all but four of the weapons - twoantique rifles and two commemorative handguns - turned over to thesheriff's department. The weapons were confiscated last year fromMichael Gallagher, 47, a former Chicago police officer barred frompossessing firearms by a 1984 weapons violation and his convictionthis year of unlawful use of weapons by a felon. SCHOOL LEAD: Only one of 156 students tested for lead poisoning atNeil School, 8555 S. Michigan, turned up with a high lead level,officials said Thursday. A Cook County judge ordered the tests inMarch after the school was cited for crumbling plaster in 1992.Other students at the school may be tested, and city health officialswill test the home of the affected student. MANHUNT: West suburban police Thursday were seeking a masked man whoallegedly tried to abduct a 9-year-old girl from a Bloomingdalestreet. The girl described the suspect as a white, slender male;about 5 feet 6 or 8 inches tall, wearing blue jeans, a denim jacketand a tan ski mask, police said. She described his vehicle - whichshe saw about 7:35 p.m. Wednesday in the 200 block of South CircleAvenue - as possibly a white Jeep with a green top. CORRECTION: A caption accompanying a photograph on March 31incorrectly characterized a paper chain held by Evanston aldermaniccandidate John Thomson. Written on the chain were the names of hisfriends and fellow church members. The Region DISCRIMINATION ALLEGED: The Rockford School Board intentionally sentblack children to inferior schools between 1965 and 1970, a formerschool superintendent testified Wednesday in a discrimination lawsuitagainst the schools. Thomas Shaheen, now retired, said blackchildren were sent to poorly equipped older schools, given outdatedbooks, taught by less experienced and educated teachers and punishedmore than white children.

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