Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: No plan to extend 2am pub lockout

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: No plan to extend 2am pub lockout

MELBOURNE, Aug 31 AAP - Melbourne's controversial 2am lockout trial will be abandoned

News Limited says the Victorian government has confirmed the three-month trial introduced
to curb alcohol-related violence on the inner city streets will end on Tuesday and will
not be extended.

"The current lockout trial will cease at the start of September," a government statement
said. "An evaluation of its effectiveness will be completed. The temporary lockout will
cease before any future ongoing arrangements are put in place."

Patrons were banned from entering more than 487 inner-city venues after 2am under the
lockout rules.

The end of the trial will allow licensed premises to admit patrons according to their
licenced hours of operation, New Limited reported.

Opposition leader Ted Baillieu accused the government of dumping the trial just before
one of Melbourne's busiest social periods.

"This has been a stuff-up from the start," he said. "This is the problem with the 2am
lockout -- we will never know if the concept could have worked because (Premier) John
Brumby completely botched the implementation of the trial."

A review of the trial will be conducted by Liquor Licensing Victoria in consultation
with police, local councils and licensees.

The government may not make a decision about whether to retain the lockout policy until
the end of the year, News Limited reported.

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