Monday, February 20, 2012

Groton Electric Deploying Sequentric Smart Grid Technology.

Following Successful 2010 Pilot, Massachusetts Municipal Utility Expands Its Residential Demand Management Program

WILMINGTON, N.C. -- Sequentric Energy Systems, LLC, today announced it has supplied its demand management hardware and software to Groton Electric Light Department of Groton, Massachusetts, for its smart grid deployment. The 2011 roll-out follows the successful pilot project initiated last summer to test the equipment, the installation process, customer acceptance and demand management performance.

Sequentric's Internet Protocol-based hardware and software systems give electric utilities and systems integrators a wide range of proven, flexible, and highly cost-effective smart grid options. By enabling demand, consumption and information management along with a variety of control and storage innovations, customized smart grid networks are easily configured and deployed. All Sequentric hardware is manufactured in the United States.

According to Kevin Kelly, Manager of Groton Electric, "Last summer, we implemented a pilot to better understand how we would deploy and utilize Sequentric's smart grid technology. The testing demonstrated very positive results and was well received by the customers in the program. The hardware and servers have operated flawlessly and we documented reductions in demand when the system was called on." Mr. Kelly continued, "Now that the commissioners have approved our recommendation to begin deployment, we look forward to working with Sequentric to help build out the program and we look forward to a further expansion in 2012.

Daniel Flohr, CEO of Sequentric, said, "Groton Electric Light's recent innovations with a two-way meter reading communication system and time of use rates creates a great basis to showcase our home area network technologies and demand management software. With a very successful pilot behind them, we are delighted that Groton Electric is quickly moving to deployment, and we look forward to supporting that process."

The Groton smart grid project is being funded in part by the American Public Power Association's (APPA) Demonstration of Energy-Efficient Developments Program (DEED Program), the only research and development program funded by and for public power utilities. Established in 1980, DEED encourages activities that promote energy innovation, improve efficiencies and lower costs of energy to public power customers.

About Sequentric

A smart grid technology innovator, Sequentric Energy Systems, LLC, designs, engineers and supplies hardware, software and support services, to electric utility companies and to a growing number of OEM customers. Electric utility deployments began in 2007 and are rapidly expanding. A patent portfolio based on pioneering demand management and distributed storage technology is being assembled. Sequentric is a privately owned company based in Wilmington, NC, with sales offices in San Francisco and New York. Visit or email for more information.

About Groton Electric

Groton Electric Light Department is an owner/operated municipal utility servicing the residents of Groton, Massachusetts. Founded in 1909, it remains committed to providing its 4,500 owner/customers dedicated service, essentially uninterrupted. Groton Electric is owned and operated by the town of Groton, Massachusetts and is a member of the American Public Power Association (APPA).

About APPA

The American Public Power Association (APPA), based in Washington, D.C., is the service organization for the nation's more than 2,000 community-owned electric utilities. Collectively these utilities service more than 45 million Americans. APPA was created in 1940 as a nonprofit, non-partisan organization to advance the public policy interests of its members and their consumers, and provide member services to ensure adequate, reliable electricity at a reasonable price with the proper protection of the environment. APPA is governed by a regionally representative Board of Directors.

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