Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cynical Eco Warriors letter gets ticking off.

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Dear Mirdif Observer,

In response to your letter about our school's Eco Campaign, Miss Vig and I are extremely flattered to have had our efforts likened to that of a 'pushy marketing department'. However, we are only responding to the requests of our pupils who wanted to spread their eco message a little further afield than the walls of their own school building.

We do not claim to be the only school to be working on eco initiatives.A Indeed, Miss Vig on the radio on Earth Day, applauded and supported the efforts of all school children across the emirate, and this would include those of Uptown Primary School who had the foresight to introduce the recycling bins in the first place.

It is important to remember that the real issue here is that of raising awareness of environmental concerns. Long may the efforts of all our children continue. Thank you for your contribution to this important debate.

Justine Barlow and Poonam Vig


I would like to reply to the letter from "Mirdiff Observer" as follows: As 'Mirdif Observer' points out, the recycling facilities outside Uptown Primary are the ones used by the children of Royal Dubai School. I would like to thank Uptown Primary for providing such a facility, my family have been using it for some time now. As an aside, we also use the glass recycling facility located near Dragon Mart.

Having a background in environmental management, I can also attest to the benefits of getting children involved in environmental issues and especially positively reinforcing their efforts through recognition in papers such as 7DAYS. This article will impact on many people, especially the parents and extended families of the children involved. As a parent of two RDS children, I would like to praise the efforts of Ms Vig and Ms Barlow, who have put an enormous amount of time and effort into this initiative.

This article was not a marketing ploy, it was a genuine attempt to promote a great initiative that will help provide a better world for future generations. It doesn't matter which school does what, its about getting the message out that the environment matters. Well done 7DAYS for printing this article and I hope to see more articles from other schools soon.

Mirdif Observer's jaundiced and cynical view of the world is sadly not uncommon, it is however unhelpful. These students and the teachers supporting them and are doing a great job and they should be praised not maligned.

A proud RDS dad.


In response to "Mirdif Observer". I am the Mum of a seven year old Eco Warrior at Royal Dubai School and I know that he is working as hard as he can to save energy. Whenever he spots a light left on, either at home or school, he will switch it off, he is making sure that every thing that can be recycled is recycled and he is composting everything he can! He has had no thought of what publicity the school may get, he is doing it because he wants to "Save the Earth", this initiative was the children's idea, it was set up by the children and being run by the children. So what if it is Royal Dubai getting publicity over this, there have been many articles about different schools doing their bit over the last few months, the important thing is that there is publicity. I worked for an energy saving agency in the UK ten years ago when it was impossible to get any publicity about energy saving. Now at last I think people are becoming more aware of what impact they can have on the World and it is fantastic that newspapers are reporting what is being done, especially by children. So "Mirdif Observer" if you have a child at school who is doing something like RDS please let everyone know perhaps we can all work together to share ideas, if not how do you know other schools are doing anything like this. If there are other schools out there doing something similar it would be great if we could all work together to make this world a little better.

Eco Warrior Mum


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