Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: Inquiry aims for change before next fire season

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Inquiry aims for change before next fire season

By Jeff Turnbull

MELBOURNE, Feb 17 AAP - The three-member royal commission into Victoria's catastrophic
bushfires hopes to have recommendations in place in time for the next fire season.

Commission head, former Supreme Court judge Bernard Teague, says he wants to start
meeting with fire victims and fire authorities within the next two weeks.

He says the commission, armed with a $40 million budget, will stage informal round-table
discussions as well as open and closed hearings.

"We want to do that as soon as possible - probably not next week but starting to have
these discussions the week after," Justice Teague told reporters on Tuesday.

He will be assisted by fellow royal commissioners Ron McLeod, who led the inquiry after
the 2003 ACT bushfires, and Susan Pascoe, who is commissioner of the Victorian State Services

"In the early stages we want to get out and talk to members of the public to the maximum
extent possible and at the end of six months make recommendations for changes in respect
to those matters we perceive to be urgent and important," Justice Teague said.

He said the commission would spend another 18 months considering less urgent changes
that should be made.

He said urgent matters included establishing the cause of the fires, ways to help victims
and improving communications to give people enough warning of danger.

"We would aim to go out into the field and to listen and question as much as possible,"

Justice Teague said.

"Where appropriate we would have round-table discussions, so it won't be in a formal
hearing context, and not only in Melbourne but in those fire-affected areas."

A man has been charged with starting the Churchill bushfire in the east of Victoria
that killed 10 people, destroyed 200 homes and burnt out more than 30,000 hectares.

The official death toll for the bushfires currently stands at 189.

A class action has been brought against power utility SP AusNet blaming it for negligently
starting a bushfire through defective or faulty power lines.

The claim will centre on a fallen power line suspected to have ignited the blaze that
devastated Kinglake, Steels Creek and St Andrews, killing more than 100 people and destroying
about 1,000 homes.

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard said the federal and Victorian governments would
respond quickly to the royal commission's report.

People were looking for assurances that governments would make changes to try to avoid
similar disasters in the future.

"Everybody who has lived through this experience in Victoria and around the nation
has asked the question: 'Why? What can we do better?'."

No one wanted to see the report "as a book on a shelf gathering dust", she said.

AAP jxt/gfr/tnf/apm


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.


AsiaInfo Services
Nokia, Hisense, Acer Taobao Flagship Stores Re-operational

BEIJING, Jul 05, 2011 (SinoCast Daily Business Beat via COMTEX) -- The official flagship stores of Nokia and Hisense TV have been available for normal access on, the global largest B2B website.

However, days earlier, the flagship stores of several companies were not available for service. This is due to that the after-sale service of these stores has not reached the requirements, explained Taobao.

Previously, media said Taobao Mall had shut down tens of flagship stores, including Nokia, Hisense TV, Supor, Joyoung, Acer and other well-known companies because the rate of disputes and refunds of these stores was too high to seriously affect clients' experience. At the end of last weekend, several stores indeed were not available for service.

Yesterday, Taobao announced that, since this March, Taobao Mall, to improve the after-sale service level of settled merchants, has started establishing a reminder and warning mechanism for the after-sale service of merchants, specifying that if the service level of a merchant is still lower the required standard for a period, it will suspend business and re-operate after completing disposal of existing complaints of consumers.

Source: (July 05, 2011)

KEYWORD: BEIJING INDUSTRY KEYWORD: Internet & Online Services & Media SUBJECT CODE: Internet & Online Services
SinoCast China Business Daily news
flagship store
after-sale service
customer experience

Copyright 2011 AsiaInfo Services (via Comtex). All rights reserved

QLD:Swimmer D'Arcy files for bankruptcy

AAP General News (Australia)
QLD:Swimmer D'Arcy files for bankruptcy

Controversial swimmer NICK D'ARCY has reportedly filed for bankruptcy in a move that
would mean he avoids having to pay a hefty damages bill for his assault on fellow swimmer

The Nine Network says COWLEY'S lawyer SAM MACEDONE has called D'ARCY'S move a cop-out
to avoid paying his client the 180 thousand dollar damages bill.

COWLEY successfully sued D'ARCY in the NSW District Court after D'ARCY smashed his
jaw and face with one punch at The Loft bar in Sydney's CBD in March 2009.

AAP RTV mjf/wf


� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

NSW:Greens "almost certain" of Balmain

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW:Greens "almost certain" of Balmain

The New South Wales Greens say they're almost certain their candidate JAMIE PARKER
has won the inner-west Sydney seat of Balmain .. a week after the state election.

However campaign spokesman and upper house MP DAVID SHOEBRIDGE has stopped short of
claiming outright victory for Mr PARKER.

Mr SHOEBRIDGE says his colleague has polled 201 more votes than Labor's VERITY FIRTH
after distribution of preferences today.

The NSW Electoral Commission is yet to confirm the result .. but if correct it gives
the Greens their first seat in the NSW lower house.

A result is expected to be declared around three this afternoon (AEDT).



� 2011 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED:National protection for abuse victims

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:National protection for abuse victims

A national domestic violence register will be set up to protect abused women and children.

News Ltd says the national register will be introduced next year .. and will allow
police anywhere in the country to quickly identify men who have a history of beating their
partners or children.

It will mean women who flee abusive relationships by moving interstate will no longer
need to apply for a new set of protection orders in the state or territory they live in.

The decision's been taken at a meeting between federal Attorney-General ROBERT MCCLELLAND
and the eight state and territory attorneys-general in Canberra on Friday.

AAP RTV ao/af


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

FED:Gillard pays respects to NZ soldier=2

AAP General News (Australia)
FED:Gillard pays respects to NZ soldier=2

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott reflected on the ties that bind the ANZAC nations as
he expressed sympathy over the death.

"We are an ANZAC family and even though as I understand it he was killed on operations
separate from Australian forces, I'm sure all Australians will feel keenly the pang of
loss which New Zealanders would be feeling right now," Mr Abbott told reporters while
campaigning in suburban Brisbane.

AAP ca/rl/cd


� 2010 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

HighLights of the AAP National Wire at 14:30, Dec 22

AAP General News (Australia)
HighLights of the AAP National Wire at 14:30, Dec 22

SYDNEY - Postal workers in NSW and the ACT have agreed to return to work for their
next rostered shifts in an act of "Christmas goodwill". (Posties Update)

Posties Wrap to come

CANBERRA - Doctors have welcomed a fresh debate over public hospital policy warning
every delay in health funding reform only exacerbates problems already plaguing the system.

(Referendum Wrap)

SYDNEY - Amid claims that China hijacked the Copenhagen climate change summit, Prime
Minister Kevin Rudd has defended the meeting's outcome while standing firm on his policy.

(Summit Rudd)

SYDNEY - Australia should target a carbon cut of only five per cent following the international
failure to agree on emission limits at the Copenhagen talks, the federal opposition says.

(Climate Abbott)

CANBERRA - Many farmers in the Great Barrier Reef catchment area have adopted practices
to protect the quality of water run-off in the region, a government study shows. (Farmers)

See also Climate Wong, Climate Business and Climate Aluminium

Climate Wrap to come

SYDNEY - Three weeks into his new role as federal Opposition leader, Tony Abbott has
been welcomed warmly by NSW Blue Mountains locals. (Abbott Update)

CANBERRA - The political debate over reform of the tax system next year should focus
on the long-term agenda, a business lobby group says. (Tax Business)

PERTH - Northwestern WA residents endured a night of 215km/h winds as tropical cyclone
Laurence battered the region overnight. (Laurence)

Laurence Wrap to come

MELBOURNE - Capsicum spray used to subdue troublemakers can be lethal and can make
a volatile situation worse, a leading law group says after a man doused with the spray
died in police custody. (Custody Update)

Custody Wrap to come

MELBOURNE - After weeks of marking the big days in their young lives, Trishna and Krishna
will enjoy a more ordinary celebration on Tuesday. (Conjoined)

Conjoined Wrap to come

SYDNEY - AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd chairman Rick Allert has reminded shareholders
that National Australia Bank Ltd's takeover proposal is by no means a done deal. (AXA
to come)

MELBOURNE - Australian allrounder Shane Watson says he's not embarrassed about his
over-the-top antics when he dismissed Chris Gayle in Perth, as he claims he was provoked
by the West Indies skipper. (Cricket Aust)

Cricket Aust Wrap to come

SYDNEY - Conflicting weather models for the start of this year's Sydney to Hobart have
the star-studded fleet guessing, but organisers still remain hopeful of a race record.

(Sail SydHob)

MORE apm


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: ETS legislation faces certain defeat

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: ETS legislation faces certain defeat

The federal government's emissions trading scheme legislation faces certain defeat
when it's voted on in the Senate today.

The ETS would put a price on carbon pollution from 2011 and is a major part of the
government's plan for tackling climate change.

But Coalition .. Green and crossbench senators are set to vote down the scheme today
after days of heated debate in the upper house.

It's likely the government will put the ETS to the parliament again in November ..

when the coalition will try to negotiate changes.

Opposition Leader MALCOLM TURNBULL says if the government tries to get the ETS through
parliament a second time .. the coalition would propose amendments.

AAP RTV kms/fdf/ka


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: China Syndrome: Is Rudd's friendship a help or a hindrance?

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: China Syndrome: Is Rudd's friendship a help or a hindrance?

By Sandra O'Malley, Diplomatic Correspondent

CANBERRA, April 2 AAP - It hasn't taken long for Kevin Rudd's Sinophile reputation
to turn from political advantage to potential embarrassment.

With the global economy in bloom, China was undoubtedly a friend. Its insatiable appetite
for Australian resources meant money kept pouring into government coffers.

But as markets turned sour, the economy drooped and Beijing began taking advantage
of bargain prices for Australian miners, the perception of China - for some at least -
turned from friend to foe.

When times were good, the prime minister - a former Beijing-based diplomat - was applauded
for his Mandarin skills and encyclopaedic knowledge of things Chinese.

Now he is charged with being too close to the Asian superpower.

It is with derision the opposition accuses Mr Rudd of spruiking for Beijing when he
argues the case for China to be given a bigger role with the International Monetary Fund.

What were once run-of-the-mill meetings with Chinese officials are painted as cloak
and dagger events of mystery.

The Rudd government, no doubt, has done little to help the situation.

Signs of animosity towards Beijing had already started to emerge over the mining deals
but Labor's oddball management of a number of situations has made things worse.

The Chinese government-owned Chinalco's $30 billion grab for a greater share of iconic
Anglo-Australian miner Rio Tinto was already creating some anxiety.

It is the biggest of a host of deals China is trying to strike to take advantage of
bargain basement prices for Australian mining companies, feeding into what some consider
a latent xenophobia within parts of the community that becomes more evident in troubled

However, it was Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon's ham-fisted handling of claims his
department was spying on him and his friend, Chinese-born businesswoman Helen Liu, that
set the hares running.

What was looking like another story about Defence railing against the authority of
its political masters turned into an embarrassment for the government when it emerged
Mr Fitzgibbon failed to declare two trips to China paid for by Ms Liu.

Mr Rudd had already sparked some paranoia when his office failed to brief the Australian
media about a meeting the prime minister was having with senior Chinese Communist Party
official Li Changchun, regarded by some as Beijing's propaganda chief.

It was left to China's Xinhua news agency to provide the little information that was
available about the meeting.

Then there was the perplexing revelation from London that Mr Rudd had asked the BBC
to seat him next to British Foreign Minister David Miliband rather than Chinese ambassador
to the United Kingdom Fu Ying during the filming of a news show.

While Trade Minister Simon Crean might argue Australia needs to be confident about
its relationship with China, the prime minister's odd request made him look anything but
assured about Sino-Australian relations.

It may be decades since China began emerging from behind the bamboo curtain but there
remains an air of intrigue about the nation of 1.3 billion people.

What remains inevitable is that Australia's future is inextricably linked to this powerhouse

As the current economic crisis shows, the United States has the power to bring the
global economy to its knees, but so too increasingly does China.

The saying used to go that when America sneezed, the world caught a cold. Now, when
China gets the sniffles, Australia needs to head to the doctor and begin stocking up on
Vitamin C.

A collapse in Chinese growth was a major factor behind the government's decision to
downgrade Australia's economic forecasts in February.

But even with a slowdown in activity, China will remain a key player in Australia's
economic future.

The two countries are trying to secure a trade deal which could give Australia better
access to a market of more than a billion people offered by China.

And it will remain a key consumer of Australian commodities for many years to come.

Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner hit the nail on the head when he argued that China
loomed large in Australia's future whether people liked it or not.

With a nation as complex and diverse as China, the question of whether the relationship
is an advantage or a handicap is never going to be black or white.

AAP so/kms/jlw/de


2009 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Vic: No plan to extend 2am pub lockout

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: No plan to extend 2am pub lockout

MELBOURNE, Aug 31 AAP - Melbourne's controversial 2am lockout trial will be abandoned

News Limited says the Victorian government has confirmed the three-month trial introduced
to curb alcohol-related violence on the inner city streets will end on Tuesday and will
not be extended.

"The current lockout trial will cease at the start of September," a government statement
said. "An evaluation of its effectiveness will be completed. The temporary lockout will
cease before any future ongoing arrangements are put in place."

Patrons were banned from entering more than 487 inner-city venues after 2am under the
lockout rules.

The end of the trial will allow licensed premises to admit patrons according to their
licenced hours of operation, New Limited reported.

Opposition leader Ted Baillieu accused the government of dumping the trial just before
one of Melbourne's busiest social periods.

"This has been a stuff-up from the start," he said. "This is the problem with the 2am
lockout -- we will never know if the concept could have worked because (Premier) John
Brumby completely botched the implementation of the trial."

A review of the trial will be conducted by Liquor Licensing Victoria in consultation
with police, local councils and licensees.

The government may not make a decision about whether to retain the lockout policy until
the end of the year, News Limited reported.

AAP ees/


2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

0800 4BC Brisbane headlines

AAP General News (Australia)
0800 4BC Brisbane headlines

- Thousands gather for Anzac Day service in Brisbane with Governor Quentin Bryce paying
tribute to fallen diggers

- Vietnam vet impressed with how many young people attended

- 5-y-o girl in serious condition after being hit by a car

- Nurses employed by Qld Health to take saftey audits of their workplaces on Monday

- Police search for man who's disappeared in a nth Qld river

- Blaze at Slacks Creek wrecking yard


- NRL, Soccer



2008 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SA: Sam Tolley steps down as wine and brandy corp chief

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Sam Tolley steps down as wine and brandy corp chief

ADELAIDE, Dec 21 AAP - The man who has overseen an 833 per cent growth in Australia's
wine exports has quit his job.

Sam Tolley has resigned as chief executive of the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation.

Mr Tolley held the position for 13 years, starting when Australia's wine exports were
valued at $360 million.

This year, exports have topped $3 billion.

"It has been an exciting time but also a hectic time and I think I'm now ready to follow
up new interests," Mr Tolley said today.

"I'm very satisfied with what the corporation has achieved, as I am with its sound
financial position.

"And I am extremely positive about the sector's future, despite the recent challenges
thrown up by the drought and international competition."

Corporation chairman John Moore said Mr Tolley had presided over a sustained period
of growth of the federal statutory authority.

Responsibilities include export compliance, wine promotion, information and analysis,
trade negotiations and defining wine-producing boundary areas.

"Sam believes the completion of the directions to 2025 industry strategy this year
was an important milestone for the wine sector, and an appropriate time for him to hand
over the reins," Mr Moore said.

"He played a key role in the conception, development and marketing of the strategy,
which has been widely embraced."

Mr Tolley's resignation takes effect on February 7 next year with the corporation's
secretary, Jock Osborne, to be acting chief executive until a replacement is found.

AAP sl/ht/de


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

SA: The main stories in the ABC SA 1200 news

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: The main stories in the ABC SA 1200 news

ADELAIDE, Aug 15 AAP - The main stories in the ABC SA 1600 news:

- Peter Costello pledges loyalty to John Howard as coalition leadership tensions exposed again.

- Federal Labor MPS revelling in leadership stoush; coalition backbenchers try to water
down the revelations.

- Australian Uranium Association gives qualified support to government plans to export to India.

- Opposition leader Kevin Rudd says it would be wrong to sell uranium to country that
hasn't signed non-proliferation treaty.

- NT government says commonwealth should share the blame for poor housing in indigenous

- Northern Iraq authorities struggling to deal with series of bomb attacks.

- Endeavour space shuttle commander says damage won't be an issue.

- Share market suffers another sharp fall after overnight Wall St losses.

- Auspine foreshadows profit increase of more than 50 per cent.

- Wage growth contained despite unemployment rates at 32-year low.

- AFL expect to decide whether to punish Hawthorn's Campbell Brown for lying to tribunal.

- Lleyton Hewitt continues US Open preparations in second round of Masters tournament.

- Davis Love III won't defend title this week as in hospital to have kidney stone removed.

AAP sl/


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: Sydney harbour bridge - the nuts and bolts

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Sydney harbour bridge - the nuts and bolts


Opened: March 19, 1932

Cost: 10,057,170 pounds 7s 9d (paid off in 1988)

Length: 1,149 metres

Width: 49 metres (carrying eight lanes for cars, two rail tracks, pedestrian and bicycle paths)

Height: 134 metres (plus up to 180mm on hot days as steel expands)

Clearance between water and bridge: 49 metres

Weight: 52,000 tons (including 39,000 tons for the steel arch alone)

Amount of concrete: 95,000 cubic metres

Amount of granite: 17,000 cubic metres

Amount of paint for one coat: 270,000 litres

Most famous painter: Paul Hogan

Number of rivets: six million

Builder: Dorman and Long, of Middlesbrough, England

Construction time: eight years

Number of workers: 1,400

Deaths: 16

Tolls: originally sixpence each way, now $3 southbound only

Cars per day: 11,000 in 1932, now 160,000

Film and TV credits: Mad Max, Mission Impossible 2, Independence Day, Finding Nemo,
Inspector Morse, JAG, McCloud, Supernova, Lost, Water Rats

Cost of bridge climb: from $100 per child and $169 adult

AAP dc/maur/cdh


2007 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Fed: AWB claims a beatup, says Downer =2

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: AWB claims a beatup, says Downer =2

The prime minister has also dismissed the claims as old news.

JOHN HOWARD's told ABC radio .. Mr QUINN's notes were attached to the statutory declaration
he gave to the Cole inquiry in April.

He says the notes don't conclusively prove anything .. and ultimately Commissioner
TERENCE COLE will decide their relevance.

AAP RTV so/sb/jmt/bart


) 2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Tas:Fishermen were wearing life jackets - Police

AAP General News (Australia)
Tas:Fishermen were wearing life jackets - Police

Police says the three men who drowned .. after their fishing boat sank off Tasmania's
south-east coast .. were wearing life jackets.

Five people were on board the boat .. which was hit by a freak wave before it went
down off Eaglehawk Neck on the Tasman Peninsula just after 1 pm (AEST) today.

Police say the area where the accident occurred is dangerous and weather conditions
were bad at the time.

A rescue helicopter has taken the two survivors to Royal Hobart Hospital .. where they've
been treated for minor injuries.

AAP RTV sam/tm


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

Monday, February 27, 2012

NSW: Prison visitors warned about smuggling

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Prison visitors warned about smuggling

SYDNEY, Dec 18 AAP - Prison visitors would face serious consequences if they tried
to smuggle contraband into NSW jails, the NSW government said today.

Inmates could receive visitors on Christmas Day in all NSW jails, and Corrective Services
recognised the importance of visits, Justice Minister John Hatzistergos said.

"However, visitors need to be aware that maximum resources are being deployed to stop
contraband, with more powers and better technology," the minister said.

In the past six months, Corrective Services had conducted 28,302 searches of visitors
and 827 vehicle searches.

As a result, 81 visitors were caught trying to smuggle drugs or contraband.

The department had also introduced a new prison visits policy, and had bought new X-ray
machines and new iris scanning equipment during the year.

Mr Hatzistergos said when drugs or contraband were found on visitors, prohibitions
or restriction were placed on their visits and they could be referred to police and charged.

AAP mk/bes/sd


2004 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.


The bewitching holiday of Halloween is almost upon us.Fall is in full bloom in my subdivision as Indian corn, corn stalks, pumpkins and scarecrows pop up daily on doorsteps.

I've started to stockpile candy and stash it away in the cupboards to ensure we don't devour it before the trick-or-treaters arrive.

As my son tediously prepares for the fateful night, I find myself recalling my Halloween costumes.

Remember how you felt when you donned a towel around your neck and flew from room to room as the greatest superhero? You felt like you could save the world.

Or recall when you wore a sparkling tiara, fancy dress and carried a wand as the most beautiful fairy princess? You felt you could make wishes come true.

What is it about a child's imagination that can transform a few scraps of cloth into the makings of one's wildest dreams?

Wouldn't it be great for each of us to recapture a bit of that creative spirit within ourselves? To connect again with that athlete, ballerina or superhero we once found so alluring? To allow our spirits to pretend to be all we dreamed we could be -- and more?

That's what Halloween should be about, and not just a day for our children to go door-to-door collecting candy.

It should be about remembering all the wonderful fantasies we had as children and the joy we experienced while parading down the sidewalk with our friends, our parents following with flashing cameras.

Now, let me set the record straight and say I'm not suggesting each of us head off to work adorned in the character costume of our choice.

Although funny, it would be just a little too weird to purchase my deli meat from Elvira or have the oil changed in my car by Batman.

What I am suggesting is that we recapture that feeling of power, enthusiasm and excitement we felt when we glimpsed ourselves in the hall mirror while dancing around in our Halloween costumes.

Let's use Halloween as an excuse for revisiting the dreams we had of conquering the bad and living happily ever after.

There's a writing that's been circulating the Internet by an anonymous author that seems to fit exactly.

"I am Officially Resigning as an Adult" says it all:

"I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult.

I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an 8-year-old again.

"I want to go to McDonald's and think that it's a four-star restaurant.

I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make ripples with rocks. I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them.

I want to lie under a big oak tree and run a lemonade stand with my friends on a hot summer's day.

"I want to think the world is fair.

That everyone is honest and good.

I want to believe that anything is possible.

I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again.

"I want to live simple again.

I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes, mountains of paperwork, depressing news, how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank, doctor bills, gossip, illness and loss of loved ones.

"I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind and making angels in the snow.

"So, here's my checkbook and my car keys, my credit card bills, and my 401K statements.

I am officially resigning from adulthood.

And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, 'cause, `Tag! You're it!'"

Happy Halloween.

• Belinda Adams has lived in Carpentersville for 25 years.

She can be reached by e-mail at ra160(at) or by writing to The Sun, 500 Coventry Lane, Suite 250, Crystal Lake, IL 60014.

Linksys Announces 14Mbps HomePlug PowerLine Broadband Networking Solutions for the Home.

Linksys PowerLine Solutions Offer New Approach to No New Wires(TM) Networking

- PowerLine Network Offers Up to 14 Mbps Transfer Rate

- Safe, Secure and High Performance/Reliability Over Existing Powerlines

- Share Internet Access through One ISP Account Over One Network

- No Hubs or Extra Cables Needed - No New Wires(TM) Approach

- Share a Broadband Connection, Files, Printers, CD-ROMs and Play Games!

IRVINE, Calif., Nov. 6 /PRNewswire/ --

Linksys(R), the leading provider of broadband, wireless and networking hardware for the Home, Small Office/Home Office (SOHO), and Small/Medium Business (SMB) corporate environments today announced its new line of Instant PowerLine(TM) networking solutions. The new powerline solutions include: the Instant PowerLine(TM) EtherFast 10/100 Router (PLERT10), the Instant PowerLine(TM) EtherFast 10/100 Bridge (PLEBR10) and the Instant PowerLine(TM) USB Adapter (PLUSB10). All three solutions enable home users to build a Broadband and Ethernet Local Area Network utilizing existing home powerlines at up to 14Mbps; which is comparable to 10Mbps Ethernet and 11Mbps 802.11b wireless.

What makes the Linksys powerline solutions different from other powerline products on the market is that Linksys' solutions enable powerline users to connect to a cable or DSL connection over home powerline circuitry to access the Internet as well as communicate with Ethernet-based devices to share files, printers and perform other networking tasks. Other solutions on the market only perform peer to peer networking.

The PowerLine Router, Bridge and USB Adapter incorporate Intellon's PowerPacket(TM) technology, which is the basis for the HomePlug(TM) Powerline Alliance 1.0 specification. PowerPacket has changed powerline technology into a robust, secure and reliable means of transferring data. It combats noise generated by appliances, electronic devices and halogen lights. PowerPacket also has encryption techniques built into the hardware to eliminate neighbors on the same power grids to gain access to sensitive data or the Internet connection. Linksys powerline products are equipped with this technology, and users can feel confident that their data and network is secure.

"We are very excited to see a market leader such as Linksys providing these robust and easy to use powerline networking solutions. Consumers now have the option to use every electrical outlet in their homes as a high speed network connection for video, audio, data and voice applications," said Horst G. Sandfort, CEO of Intellon Corporation.

HomePlug has also conducted comprehensive field trials on the 1.0 specification in more than 500 homes in the US and Canada to test and verify that the specifications meet all necessary prerequisites to deploy the technology to the general consumer. HomePlug also tested the ability to share files; VoIP and streaming media to make sure the standard would perform at the level of customer demand.

The three powerline products that Linksys will ship by the end of the year, provide the basic hardware needs to connect a desktop or laptop PC to a broadband connection as well as talk with other powerline and Ethernet devices. The Instant PowerLine Router connects into a cable or DSL modem via the WAN port, then plugs into a power outlet with a regular 110-volt AC line cord. Up to 16 other computers utilizing a PowerLine USB Adapter can access the broadband Internet connection through the PowerLine Router or PowerLine Bridge (remember both devices are plugged into a power outlet which gives them access to the power circuitry), as well as other powerline computers and Ethernet-based computers connected to the router via the 10/100 port. This 10/100 port can also be used to connect other Ethernet devices or bridges, like a wireless access point or phoneline bridge, to co-exist and communicate with powerline-based devices seamlessly.

"Broadband signups for the home and small office continue to grow, and with subscribers come customers that need the added security and Internet sharing capabilities made possible by our line of broadband routers," said Linksys President and CEO, Victor Tsao. "Linksys' commitment is to provide leading edge technology and help educate the user on the technology that would be best suited for their home or business environment. Powerline networking enables us to reach those customers that aren't suited for current networking topologies nor want to spend additional money to wire a home with Ethernet cables. Powerline is ideal for no new wires networking."

Instant PowerLine(TM) EtherFast 10/100 Router (PLERT10): ESP $179.99

The PowerLine Router is equipped with all the same features as the award-winning and most popular selling Cable/DSL Routers from NAT security, IP-sec pass-thru to DHCP serving and MAC filtering. Containing one WAN port, one 10/100 Ethernet port and one powerline interface, this hybrid device allows powerline-based devices to connect and communicate with other Ethernet- based computers as well as access a Cable or DSL connection by simply plugging it into standard power jack outlets. Developed to meet the demands of the market, the PowerLine Router provides firewall protection from outside intruders and easy web browser setup, as well as advanced features such as remote administration and VPN capabilities.

Instant PowerLine(TM) EtherFast 10/100 Bridge (PLEBR10): ESP $149.99

With more than two million Linksys routers sold in the past two years, the PowerLine Bridge is ideal for users who already have a router. It can be plugged into an Ethernet port on a router to equip a network with powerline capabilities and take advantage of the router features. The PowerLine Bridge can also plug directly into a cable or DSL modem to allow access to the Internet and transfer the data up to 14 Mbps over home powerlines to each computer equipped with a HomePlug-certified powerline network adapter.

Instant PowerLine(TM) USB Adapter (PLUSB10): ESP $149.99

The PowerLine USB Adapter enables users to build a strong and simple-to-use home network by leveraging the most pervasive home networking medium-power jacks. The USB Adapter plugs into USB-equipped notebook or desktop PCs, and the other end plugs directly into a power jack outlet on the wall. Other PCs utilizing a HomePlug 1.0 certified adapter can communicate with each other to share files, printers and games. When used in conjunction with a PowerLine Router or Bridge, a powerline USB Adapter user can access the Internet from any room in the house. Also since it utilizes USB, users don't have to open their desktop PCs to install the hardware -- It's another step Linksys has made to making connectivity easier.

Linksys will be highlighting these solutions at COMDEX in Las Vegas next week at Booth # L963, North Hall, in the Las Vegas Convention Center.

About The Linksys Group, Inc.

Linksys, an award-winning leader in the development of wireless, broadband and LAN networking solutions for the home, Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) and Small/Medium Business (SMB) corporate environments, is the number-one manufacturer of networking hardware in the retail and e-commerce channels and the fastest growing networking solution provider for the SMB corporate sector. Linksys products emphasize speed, affordability, reliability, ease of installation and widespread compatibility and are sold through leading distributors, computer resellers, direct response and E-commerce and retail stores worldwide. For more information, visit the Linksys web site at, email at or call toll-free 1-800-LINKSYS (546-5797).

About HomePlug Powerline Alliance

HomePlug Powerline Alliance, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation established to provide a forum for the creation of specifications for home powerline networking products and services; and, to accelerate the demand for these products and services through the sponsorship of market and user education programs. Currently, HomePlug is comprised of 90 industry-leading companies. Additional information about the Alliance is available at

About Intellon

Founded in 1989, Intellon ( is the leader in high-speed powerline connectivity for the home and small business office, providing technology and chipsets that allow consumers to share Internet connections, stream digital audio and video, and network devices by simply plugging into existing power outlets. Intellon's PowerPacket technology is protected by a significant patent portfolio and was selected by the HomePlug Powerline Alliance as the basis for its industry specification 1.0. Intellon's chipsets are being shipped to key domestic and international customers now and retail products containing Intellon's chipset are scheduled to be in leading computer and retail stores this fall. Intellon's investors include industry leaders such as Motorola, Compaq Computer Corporation, Philips Electronics, SONICblue and Duchessois Industries as well as institutional funds such as Fidelity and TL Ventures.

Linksys, EtherFast, Network in a Box and HomeLink are trademarks of Linksys. All other products and company names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.


ISS: ISS security advisory -- Buffer overflow in "Super" package in Debian Linux.

M2 PRESSWIRE-24 February 1999-ISS: ISS security advisory -- Buffer overflow in "Super" package in Debian Linux (C)1994-99 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD



Internet Security Systems (ISS) X-Force has discovered a vulnerability in the system administration utility, "Super". Super is used by administrators to allow certain users to execute commands with root privileges. The vulnerability is distributed with Debian Linux. It may allow local attackers to compromise root access. Super is a GNU copylefted package that is distributed with recent Debian Linux distributions, but it can be installed and configured for many Unix variants.

Affected versions:

ISS X-Force has determined that version 3.9.6 through version 3.11.6 are vulnerable. All versions of Super distributed with Debian Linux are vulnerable. Execute the following command to determine version information: # /usr/bin/super -V

Fix Information:

Super 3.11.7 is available at:

The new version of Super will be available soon on the mirror:

Please refer to these locations for fixes which are included in Super version 3.11.7.


Super is a utility that allows authorised users to execute commands with root privileges. It is intended to be an alternate to setuid scripts, which are inherently dangerous. A buffer overflow exists in Super that may allow attackers to take advantage of its setuid configuration to gain root access.

Recommended Action:

Version 3.11.7 should be installed immediately. Administrators should take care to disable setuid root utilities that are not used by regular users. To disable Super permanently, execute the following command as root to disable the setuid bit: # chmod 755 /usr/bin/super

Internet Security Systems is the pioneer and leading provider of adaptive network security, delivering enterprise-wide information protection solutions. ISS's award-winning SAFEsuite family of products manages security risks and enhances end user confidence in intranet, extranet and electronic commerce environments. By combining proactive vulnerability detection with real-time intrusion detection and response, ISS's adaptive network security system creates a flexible cycle of continuous security improvement, including policy implementation and enforcement. This comprehensive approach to network security strengthens the security of existing systems and has dramatically improved the security posture for organisations worldwide, making ISS a critical, trusted security advisor for firms in the Global 2000, nine of the ten largest US commercial banks and over 35 governmental agencies. For more information about ISS in the UK, call +44 (0)1923 266023 or visit the ISS web site at

Copyright (c) 1998 by Internet Security Systems, Inc. Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this Alert Summary electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of the X-Force. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this Alert Summary in any other medium excluding electronic medium, please email for permission.


The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to: X-Force of Internet Security Systems, Inc.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cynical Eco Warriors letter gets ticking off.

Provided by

Dear Mirdif Observer,

In response to your letter about our school's Eco Campaign, Miss Vig and I are extremely flattered to have had our efforts likened to that of a 'pushy marketing department'. However, we are only responding to the requests of our pupils who wanted to spread their eco message a little further afield than the walls of their own school building.

We do not claim to be the only school to be working on eco initiatives.A Indeed, Miss Vig on the radio on Earth Day, applauded and supported the efforts of all school children across the emirate, and this would include those of Uptown Primary School who had the foresight to introduce the recycling bins in the first place.

It is important to remember that the real issue here is that of raising awareness of environmental concerns. Long may the efforts of all our children continue. Thank you for your contribution to this important debate.

Justine Barlow and Poonam Vig


I would like to reply to the letter from "Mirdiff Observer" as follows: As 'Mirdif Observer' points out, the recycling facilities outside Uptown Primary are the ones used by the children of Royal Dubai School. I would like to thank Uptown Primary for providing such a facility, my family have been using it for some time now. As an aside, we also use the glass recycling facility located near Dragon Mart.

Having a background in environmental management, I can also attest to the benefits of getting children involved in environmental issues and especially positively reinforcing their efforts through recognition in papers such as 7DAYS. This article will impact on many people, especially the parents and extended families of the children involved. As a parent of two RDS children, I would like to praise the efforts of Ms Vig and Ms Barlow, who have put an enormous amount of time and effort into this initiative.

This article was not a marketing ploy, it was a genuine attempt to promote a great initiative that will help provide a better world for future generations. It doesn't matter which school does what, its about getting the message out that the environment matters. Well done 7DAYS for printing this article and I hope to see more articles from other schools soon.

Mirdif Observer's jaundiced and cynical view of the world is sadly not uncommon, it is however unhelpful. These students and the teachers supporting them and are doing a great job and they should be praised not maligned.

A proud RDS dad.


In response to "Mirdif Observer". I am the Mum of a seven year old Eco Warrior at Royal Dubai School and I know that he is working as hard as he can to save energy. Whenever he spots a light left on, either at home or school, he will switch it off, he is making sure that every thing that can be recycled is recycled and he is composting everything he can! He has had no thought of what publicity the school may get, he is doing it because he wants to "Save the Earth", this initiative was the children's idea, it was set up by the children and being run by the children. So what if it is Royal Dubai getting publicity over this, there have been many articles about different schools doing their bit over the last few months, the important thing is that there is publicity. I worked for an energy saving agency in the UK ten years ago when it was impossible to get any publicity about energy saving. Now at last I think people are becoming more aware of what impact they can have on the World and it is fantastic that newspapers are reporting what is being done, especially by children. So "Mirdif Observer" if you have a child at school who is doing something like RDS please let everyone know perhaps we can all work together to share ideas, if not how do you know other schools are doing anything like this. If there are other schools out there doing something similar it would be great if we could all work together to make this world a little better.

Eco Warrior Mum


[c] 2007 Al Sidra Media LLC

Provided by an company

Logitech Acquires Mirial.

Acquisition of Premier Mobile Visual Communications Provider to Extend LifeSize Video Calling to Mobile Users

FREMONT, Calif. & MORGES, Switzerland -- Logitech International (SIX:LOGN) (Nasdaq:LOGI) today announced the acquisition of Mirial, a Milan-based leading provider of personal and mobile video conferencing solutions. Mirial will be integrated into Logitech's LifeSize division.

With the acquisition of Mirial, LifeSize now offers a more comprehensive portfolio of universal video collaboration solutions, from conference room endpoints and infrastructure to now including best-in-class desktop, tablet and mobile video calling software. Mirial brings to LifeSize strong leadership in extending open, interoperable video collaboration solutions to anyone, anywhere on nearly any mobile device through Mirial's standalone video software clients for the PC and Mac, client/server enterprise video software solutions, and service provider offerings. Mirial supports a broad range of iOS and Android devices including the iPhone 4, 3GS and iPad 2; HTC EVO, Desire, Incredible, myTouch 4G, Sensation and ThunderBolt; Motorola Atrix and Xoom; Samsung Epic 4G, Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab as well as Google Nexus S and Dell Streak.

Companies are increasingly expecting their business-class video conferencing solutions to work on both tablets and smartphones. With shipments of tablets into the enterprise expected to reach more than 49 million in 2015, according to Frost & Sullivan, support for video collaboration on these devices has become a key customer requirement. Mirial's enterprise desktop and mobile video conferencing solutions address one of the most substantial challenges to the adoption of video calling across the enterprise: using video to connect with remote colleagues and partners on a variety of mobile devices and networks. With Mirial, LifeSize now offers customers true mobility with interoperable enterprise video conferencing software solutions for distributed desktop and mobile users, taking video collaboration one step closer to true ubiquity.

"The advent of mobile devices has created a new anytime, anywhere office environment - burdening businesses with a fresh set of communications needs and challenges," said Gerald P. Quindlen, Logitech president and chief executive officer. "Acquiring Mirial makes Logitech uniquely positioned to address these needs by equipping businesses with a complete HD video conferencing solution spanning the mobile device to the desktop to the conference room. This acquisition is a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to make video communication as ubiquitous as voice-only calls are today."

Mirial products are expected to be immediately available through LifeSize and will be integrated into future LifeSize products and services, enabling new and existing customers to enhance their video calling networks, reaching more people on more devices.

About Logitech

Logitech is a world leader in products that connect people to the digital experiences they care about. Spanning multiple computing, communication and entertainment platforms, Logitech's combined hardware and software enable or enhance digital navigation, music and video entertainment, gaming, social networking, audio and video communication over the Internet, video security and home-entertainment control. Founded in 1981, Logitech International is a Swiss public company listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (LOGN) and on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (LOGI).

Logitech, the Logitech logo, and other Logitech marks are trademarks and may be registered. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information about Logitech and its products, visit the company's Web site at


Costume Craze Announces Gift Card Services.

Pleasant Grove, Utah (PRWEB) June 23, 2011

Costume Craze, one of the Internet's largest costume retailers, announces the addition of Gift Card services to their online store. Customers can now purchase Gift Cards in any dollar amount for friends, family and coworkers, simply by visiting The Gift Cards never expire, and may be used to purchase any item in the Costume Craze catalog.

"Costumes make great gifts," commented Kate Maloney, CEO of Costume Craze. "They're perfect for birthdays, holidays and special occasions all year long. We're excited to offer this service to our customers."

Upon purchasing a Gift Card, the customer can choose to receive a printer-friendly version, or have Costume Craze email it directly to the recipient.

"Our system can promptly email the recipient, providing fast delivery," explained Jeff Wiseman, V.P. of Marketing & Business Development. "This is a convenient feature, especially for last-minute shoppers."

Available Gift themes include Birthday, Halloween and Christmas, and come in a variety of colors and designs.

Costume Craze operates year round, providing costumes for parties, holiday celebrations, and special events throughout the year.

Costume Craze was founded in 2001, by founders Matthew Maloney, Kate Maloney and Kathleen Maloney. What started as a home business is now one of the world's largest online costume retailers, operating from a massive warehouse in Pleasant Grove, Utah. Costume Craze has received many awards for excellence in business from leading entrepreneurial organizations, including Inc 500, Internet Retailer 500, and Ernst & Young. Costume Craze carries an estimated 30,000 costumes, props and accessories and ships worldwide throughout the year. Full selection available at


Read the full story at

E-Book - Market & Data 2008-2014.

NEW YORK, June 6, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:

E-Book - Market & Data 2008-2014

This report takes an in-depth look at the E-Book market and provides also its key figures for 2008-2014. It maps out the new digital value chain, explores the players' strategies through some 20 case studies, provides details on the business models being employed and analyses the key technological issues at hand: formats, metadata, DRM and display technologies.

Key questions

* How is the market structure and which are the key figures for the main Western markets?

* What are the technological issues, especially DRM, compatible formats, screen resolution, etc.?

* Who are the new entrants to the e-book market, and what differences are there in the digital and printed book value chains?

* How are the different players positioned and what business models exist today?

* What impact will the digital book have on the publishing market as a whole in the medium term?

> Market data & forecasts 2008-2014:

- Germany, Canada, Spain, the United States, France, Italy,

Japan, the UK

- Printed and E-Book markets (sales revenue), e-reader market

(unit sales)


1. Executive Summary

2. Methodology

- Scope of the report

3. Market structure and key issues

3.1. Market overview

3.1.1. Segmentation by genre

- Scientific and technical works: the digital book


- Emergence of digital textbooks

- Keitai shosetsu: Japanese-born digital book


- Mangas and comic books diving into the fray

- Romance novels, the first fiction genre to

switch to digital

3.1.2. Segmentation by terminal

3.1.3. Homothetic and enhanced books

3.2. Current market estimates

3.2.1. National market profiles

3.2.2. Digital book market profiles

3.2.3. e-reader markets

3.3. Key issues

3.3.1. Formats

- Moving towards a coexistence of formats

- PDF: longstanding presence but technically


- Amazon banking on its own format

- Emergence of the EPUB format

- Use of conversion houses

- Which formats for which offers?

- An outmoded debate in the era of cloud

computing and portability?

3.3.2. DRM

- Metadata for promoting the book

- Digital warehouses

3.3.3. Screens: what distinguishes the devices


3.3.4. Impact of regulation

- What regulatory stipulations on the price of


- What tax rate applied to E-Books?

3.3.5. Consumption

- Is reading a niche habit?

- Is digital reading an ultra-niche habit?

- Most digital reading still being done on the


- What digital content do we read?

4. Industry structure and strategies

4.1. Industry structure

4.1.1. Physical and digital value chains

- Strategies for switching to digital

4.1.2. Business models

- File downloads: oldest and most popular


- The agency model

- Subscription, cornerstone of Japan's mobile


- Rental model

- Selling books by the chapter

- Ad funding

4.2. Player profiles

4.2.1. Publishers: between innovation and


4.2.2. Aggregators: technology providers and

sales agents

4.2.3. Resellers: pillars of the printed book vs.


4.2.4. Mobile operators: neutral technical

intermediaries or true stakeholders

4.2.5. Hardware manufacturers: from the

device to the bookshop

4.3. Strategic analysis

4.3.1. Who controls the market?

- The American exception

- Publishers: negotiating with authors and

controlling the lower end of the value chain

- Telcos: usually technical intermediaries and


- Resellers: banking on the selection, the

ecosystem and user recommendations

- Hardware manufacturers: connectivity and


4.3.2. The planned extinction of the bookshop?

4.3.3. Destruction or creation of value?

5. Markets and forecasts

5.1. Growth factors

5.1.1. Analysis of growth/disruptive factors

5.1.2. Forecast hypotheses

5.2. Market forecasts

5.2.1. Forecasts for 2010 to 2014

5.2.2. Forecasts by segment, by platform

5.3. Data book

To order this report:

Internet Business Industry: E-Book - Market & Data 2008-2014

More Market Research Report

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CONTACT: Nicolas Bombourg Reportlinker Email: US: +1-805-652-2626 Intl: +1-805-652-2626

SOURCE Reportlinker

Market Maker Surveillance Report. REDF, ASTI, SMID, KONG, SIFY, FKWL, Losing Stocks With Lowest Price Friction For Monday, May 16th 2011.

M2 PRESSWIRE-May 17, 2011-BUYINS.NET: Market Maker Surveillance Report. REDF, ASTI, SMID, KONG, SIFY, FKWL, Losing Stocks With Lowest Price Friction For Monday, May 16th 2011(C)1994-2011 M2 COMMUNICATIONS


BUYINS.NET /, announced today its proprietary Market Maker Friction Factor Report for Monday. Since October 2008 market makers are now required to be on the bid as much as they are on the offer and for like amounts of stock. This Fair Market Making Requirement is designed to prevent market makers from manipulating stock prices. On Monday there were 2454 companies with "abnormal" market making, 1420 companies with positive Friction Factors and 3791 companies with negative Friction Factors. Here is a list of the top companies with the largest percentage loss per share Monday and low price friction (bearish). This means that there was more selling than buying in the stocks and their stock prices dropped faster with less Friction. REDIFF.COM INDIA LIMITED-ADR (NASDAQ:REDF), ASCENT SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES (NASDAQ:ASTI), SMITH-MIDLAND CORP (OTCBB:SMID), KONGZHONG CORP-ADR (NASDAQ:KONG), SIFY TECHNOLOGIES-SPON ADR (NASDAQ:SIFY), FRANKLIN WIRELESS CORP (OTCBB:FKWL). To access Friction Factor, Naked Short Data and SqueezeTrigger Prices on all stocks please visit .

Market Maker Friction Factor is shown in the chart below:

Symbol Change Percent Buy Volume Buy %% Sell Volume Sell %% Net Volume Friction

REDF $-2.490 -19.92% 1,965,890 44.54% 2,409,253 54.59% -443,363 -1,781

ASTI $-0.290 -18.59% 231,561 33.29% 463,925 66.71% -232,364 -8,013

SMID $-0.590 -25.21% 30,040 21.70% 80,404 58.07% -50,364 -854

KONG $-2.110 -27.76% 1,140,201 42.03% 1,545,643 56.98% -405,442 -1,922

SIFY $-0.900 -16.98% 2,026,399 45.92% 2,385,559 54.06% -359,160 -3,991

FKWL $-0.540 -18.62% 197,273 38.75% 310,380 60.97% -113,107 -2,095

Analysis of the Friction Factor chart above shows that each of the six stocks mentioned above have high net dollar losses (Change) and extremely low price friction in their stocks. The Friction Factor displays how many more shares of buying than selling are required to move a stock higher by one cent or how many more shares of selling than buying moves a stock lower by 1 cent.

For example, the chart above shows REDF with a dollar loss Monday of $-2.49000 and a Friction Factor of -1,781 shares. That means that it only took 1,781 more shares of selling than buying to move REDF lower by one penny. This means the Market Makers are allowing the stock to drop quickly (low friction). The combination of low friction and negative market direction can drive prices lower faster than normal.

REDIFF.COM INDIA LIMITED-ADR (NASDAQ:REDF) - India Limited provides online Internet based services in India and to the global Indian community. The company's Websites consist of channels relevant to Indian interests, such as cricket, astrology, matchmaker, and movies; content on various matters, which include news and finance; search facilities; and a range of community features consisting of e-mail, chat, messenger, photo/video sharing capabilities, e-commerce, blogs, broadband wireless content, and mobile value-added services to mobile phone subscribers in India, as well as online advertising and online shopping services. It also publishes two weekly newspapers, India Abroad and India in New York for the Indian-American community based in the United States and Canada. The companys target client base for advertising and sponsorships include global companies doing business in India, domestic corporations, and small and medium enterprises. As of March 31, 2010, it had 89.5 million online registered users. The company was formerly known as Rediff Communication Private Limited and changed its name to India Limited in February 2000. India Limited was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India.

ASCENT SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES (NASDAQ:ASTI) - Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc., a development stage company, focused on commercializing flexible photovoltaic (PV) modules using its proprietary technology. It manufactures thin-film copper-indium-gallium-diselenide PV modules on plastic substrate and laser pattern the layers to create interconnected PV cells, or PV modules, through monolithic integration process. The company plans to serve the building integrated photovoltaic market, as well as specialty markets, such as defense, portable power, transportation, and electronic integrated photovoltaic markets. It has a strategic alliance agreement with Kirloskar Integrated Technologies Limited. Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc. was founded in 2005 and is based in Thornton, Colorado.

SMITH-MIDLAND CORP (OTCBB:SMID) - Smith-Midland Corporation and its subsidiaries develop, manufacture, license, sell, and install precast concrete products for the general contractors in the construction, farming, and utilities industries, as well as federal, state, and local transportation authorities in the Mid-Atlantic, northeastern, and Midwestern regions of the United States. Its products include Easi-Set Slenderwall lightweight construction panels, which are prefabricated lightweight exterior cladding systems used for constructing the exterior walls of buildings; Easi-Set Sierra Wall that provides sound and sight barrier used around residential, industrial, and commercial properties and alongside highways; and Easi-Set J-J Hooks Highway Safety Barrier, a safety barrier for use on roadways to separate lanes of traffic. The company also offers Easi-Span expandable precast building; Easi-Set Precast building, a transportable, prefabricated, single-story, and concrete building for use in housing communication operations, traffic control systems, mechanical and electrical stations, inventory or supply storage, and restroom facilities or kiosks; and Easi-Set Utility Vault used for house equipment, such as cable, telephone or traffic signal equipment, and for underground storage. In addition, Smith-Midland Corporation provides Softsound soundwall panels, which are used to absorb highway noise; Beach Prisms, a shoreline erosion control product; and H2Out, a secondary drainage and street level leak detection product for panelized exterior cladding. Further, licenses its proprietary products to precast concrete manufacturers in the United States, Canada, Belgium, New Zealand, Australia, Mexico, Spain, and Chile. The company was formerly known as Smith Cattleguard Company and changed its name to Smith-Midland Corporation in 1985. Smith-Midland Corporation was founded in 1960 and is based in Midland, Virginia.

KONGZHONG CORP-ADR (NASDAQ:KONG) - KongZhong Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides wireless interactive entertainment, media, and community services to mobile phone users in the People's Republic of China. It also involves in the development, distribution, and marketing of consumer wireless value-added services, including wireless application protocol, multimedia messaging services, short messaging services, interactive voice response services, and color ring back tones. In addition, it offers interactive entertainment services, such as mobile games, pictures, karaoke, electronic books, mobile phone personalization features, entertainment news, chat, and message boards; and through offer news, community services, games, and other interactive media and entertainment services; and sells advertising space in the form of text-link, banner, and button advertisements. Further, the company develops and publishes mobile games, including downloadable mobile games and online mobile games consisting of action, role-playing, and leisure games. As of December 31, 2009, it had a library of approximately 300 internally developed mobile games. Additionally, it develops online games; and provides consulting and technology services, as well as media and net book services. The company was formerly known as Communication Over The Air Inc. and changed its name to KongZhong Corporation in March 2004. KongZhong Corporation was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Beijing, the Peoples Republic of China.

SIFY TECHNOLOGIES-SPON ADR (NASDAQ:SIFY) - Sify Technologies Limited provides Internet, network, and electronic commerce services primarily in India. The companys corporate network/data services comprise various Internet protocol-based virtual private network offerings, including intranets, extranets, and remote access applications. It also offers application services, such as Web site design, development, content management, search engine optimization, hosting, domain name management, secure socket layer certificate for Web sites, and server space in required operating system and database. In addition, the company provides security solutions comprising security design, procurement, and integration; implementation services for security products; and assurance services, such as information systems audit, risk assessment, and business continuity/disaster recovery planning. Additionally, Sify operates Internet data centers in Mumbai, Chennai, and Bangalore; and provides Internet trust, remote management, and voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) services. Further, it offers Internet access services, including high-speed/broadband access to homes over cable, public Internet access from its network of e-ports, and VoIP and dial-up access to homes. The company also facilitates Web based learning for various organizations. As of March 31, 2009, it had 1,651 e-ports in 253 towns and cities. Sify also owned and operated 547 telecommunication facilities in approximately 500 towns and cities that enable its customers to connect to the Internet through a local telephone call. The company primarily serves information technology enabled service companies, as well as banking, financial services, insurance, publishing, retail, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing industries. It has a strategic partnership with the Power Grid Corporation of India to provide enterprise network services; and with VMware, Inc. The company was formerly known as Sify Limited. Sify was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Chennai, India.

FRANKLIN WIRELESS CORP (OTCBB:FKWL) - Franklin Wireless Corp. designs and sells broadband high speed wireless data communication products, including third generation (3G) and fourth generation (4G) wireless modules and modems. The companys mobile broadband and data products comprise wireless USB modems, embedded modules, and stand-alone mobile broadband modems that provide mobile subscribers with access to wireless data communications networks using laptops, and handheld and desktop computers, as well as its customers to send and receive email with large file attachments, play interactive games, and receive, send, and download high resolution picture, video, and music contents. It serves wireless operators, strategic partners, and distributors located in the United States, Caribbean, and South America. The company was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.


BUYINS.NET, , monitors trading in all US stocks in real time and maintains massive databases of short sale and naked short sale time and sales data, short squeeze SqueezeTrigger prices, market maker price movements, shareholder data, statistical data on earnings, sector correlation, seasonality, hedge fund trading strategies, comparable valuations. Reports include:


Friction Factor -- market maker surveillance system tracking Level II market makers in all stocks to determine Price Friction and compliance with new "Fair Market Making Requirements"

RegSHO Naked Shorts -- tracks EVERY failure to deliver in all US stocks and tracks all Threshold Security Lists daily for which stocks have naked shorts that are not in compliance with Regulation SHO


SqueezeTrigger -- 29 billion cell database tracks EVERY short sale (not just total short interest) in all US stocks and calculates volume weighted price that a short squeeze will begin in each stock.

Earnings Edge -- predicts probability, price move and length of move before and after all US stock earnings reports.

Seasonality -- predicts probability, price move and length of move based on exact time of year for all US stocks.

Group Trader -- tracks sector rotation and stock correlation to its sector and predicts future moves in ALL sectors and industry groups.

Pattern Scan -- automates tracking of every technical pattern and predicts time and size of move in all stocks.

GATS (Global Automated Trading System) -- tracks all known trading strategies and qualifies and quantifies which are working best in real time.


BUYINS.NET is not a registered investment advisor and nothing contained in any materials should be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. BUYINS.NET has not been compensated by any of the above mentioned companies. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Please visit our web site, , for complete risks and disclosures.



Thomas Ronk


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Bacterin International Holdings, Inc. Schedules Conference Call to Present First Quarter 2011 Financial Results.

BELGRADE, Mont., May 2, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Bacterin International Holdings, Inc. (NYSE Amex: BONE) ("Bacterin"), announced today that it has scheduled a conference call for Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. (ET) to discuss the Company's financial results for its first quarter 2011, which ended March 31, 2011. Bacterin International Holdings, Inc. intends to issue its earnings release after the market close on the day of the conference call.

Conference Call Details:


Thursday, May 12, 2011-4:30 p.m. (ET)

Telephone Number:


International Dial-In Number:


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About Bacterin International Holdings, Inc.

BACTERIN INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS, INC. ("the "Company" or "Bacterin") develops, manufactures and markets biologics products to domestic and international markets. Bacterin's proprietary methods optimize the growth factors in human allografts to create the ideal stem cell scaffold and promote bone and other tissue growth. These products are used in a variety of applications including enhancing fusion in spine surgery, relief of back pain with a facet joint stabilization, promotion of bone growth in foot and ankle surgery, promotion of cranial healing following neurosurgery and subchondral repair in knee and other joint surgeries.

Bacterin's Medical Device division develops anti-microbial coatings based upon proprietary coating technologies. Bacterin develops, employs, and licenses bioactive coatings for various medical device applications. Bacterin's strategic coating initiatives include antimicrobial coatings designed to inhibit biofilm formation and microbial contamination. Headquartered in Belgrade, Montana, Bacterin operates a 32,000 square foot., state-of-the-art, fully compliant and FDA registered facility, equipped with five "Class 100" clean rooms. For further information please visit

Certain statements in this news release may constitute "forward-looking" statements within the meaning of section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. The Company believes that its expectations, as expressed in these statements are based on reasonable assumptions regarding the risks and uncertainties inherent in achieving those expectations. These statements are not, however, guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially. Risk factors are listed in the Company's most recent Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

SOURCE Bacterin International Holdings, Inc.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Intermost Corporation appointed new Chief Operating Officer.

Intermost Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: IMOT, filed an application to change its name to Uni Core Holdings Corporation, and referred as "UCHC"), as an aggressive 'company doctor' and 'incubator' of mid- to large-size companies in China which is devoted to assisting companies with potential to grow as a leader in the respective industry, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Thomas Lee as the Chief Operating Officer of the Company by the Board retroactive from November 18, 2009. Mr. Lee also holds the position of Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary.

Mr. Thomas Lee is a fellow member of the Association of Taxation & Management Accountants of Australia, the Faculty of Secretaries & Administrators of Britain, and the British Institute of Management. He has more than 30 years of experience in financial management and held senior management positions in multinational companies of various industries, including public relations, advertising, communications technology, investment, construction, production, and securities, etc. Mr. Lee was the Chief Financial Officer of Burson-Marsteller Asia Pacific, Euro RSCG Ball Partnership, and J.D. Edwards in the period of 1974 to 1996.

"Mr. Thomas Lee joined Intermost Corporation as Chief Financial Officer from March 2007. With his involvement and advice, we managed to resolve all historical problems and transformed our business nature to act as 'company doctor' and 'incubator' to groom potential industry leaders. With this new appointment by the Board, Mr. Lee is not only responsible for day to day operation and financial management, but also the identification of merger and acquisition targets as well as potential incubation projects. Mr. Lee's wealth of experience in operation and financial management will no doubt lead us to explore and identify more potential targets that are worthy of our incubation efforts and can be nurtured as real industry leaders in China -- the emerging country with the highest potential," stated Mr. James Wu, Chief Executive Officer of Intermost Corporation, who is fully confident of both Mr. Lee's management capability and the success of the new business.

About Intermost Corporation (with plans to change its name to Uni Core Holdings Corporation)

Founded in the USA in September 1998, Intermost Corporation was the first Chinese Internet company listed on the US OTC Bulletin Board (stock symbol: IMOT) in December 1998. Intermost Corporation (with plans to change its name to Uni Core Holdings Corporation) has evolved into a 'company doctor' and 'incubator' of mid- to large-size companies that have good potential and profitable products in the market which are desperate for help from experts who can help them grow by assisting them in obtaining public or private financing in China, including company diagnosis services; consulting services; mergers and acquisitions; incubating; raise funds or financing; assistance to get public listing for mid- to large-size companies, etc.

Keywords: Advertising, Asia, China, Intermost Corporation, Investment, Finance, Financial, Investing, Mergers, Acquisitions, Technology.

This article was prepared by China Weekly News editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2009, China Weekly News via